When I see you

Missing you has been hard. You’re my love, my life. You’re over there and I’m here. When I see you my love brightens When I don’t my heart trembles Life is hard Love is harder But it’s everything ❤

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WARNING: This is not me being a bitch. If you think this is about you, not my fault. Back away if you can’t take the truth. If you know who this is – don’t say. I will find you and you don’t want that. FUCK. Friends.. we meet, we have the same interests, we hang …

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Dumb Asses

SO trying to communicate… I tried to communicate to my boyfriend like “ hey why is it that any time we talk, that i must initiate everything?” He’s all “ well i dont like talking on the phone” ..did i mention that his out of town hanging with a friend in a diffferent state? It …

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